Laura Beeler

Rapport makes the difference in creating your perfect room When I first met Linda in the store we connected right away. She had told me about a major remodel that her son had completed on her Pleasant Hill home. She wanted to make sure it was furnished beautifully to complete the look they had worked [...]


MODERN… BUT COMFORTABLE. It’s really not too much to ask, is it? A room with modern lines, colors and textures that is so visually inviting and so physically comfortable that you love to live in it? And yet, it is a concern. Deanne, Angela and Laura took that challenge head on. Practical needs included living [...]

Here’s a new twist on furnishing around that fireplace with the shelves on both sides. Laura’s longtime client Shelly wanted a different look to her new Johnston home. Since we have furnished several living rooms in different homes over the years, we wanted a fresh take. She knew she wanted warm whites and the ultimate in comfort. We paired [...]


Tess came into the store to browse and fell in love with a white ceramic marble table for her dining room. Understandable – it is a stunning table. The problem was… she was not re-doing the dining room right now. But, a perfect piece changes everything. Tess’s priorities included. As we discussed her West Des [...]

Mary and I first met in 2003 when I designed her great room the first time. Although she loved that design, as years went by a new remodel of the first floor started the ball rolling on new furniture too. We went from Shabby Chic to a timeless transitional look for her West Des Moines [...]

After client photos

I was so excited to work with my client Wendy on designing her new West Des Moines home…I had helped her furnish her last home so we already had a design relationship established when they built this new custom home. With a new, brighter, larger layout, the old furniture looked under-scaled and heavy feeling. With [...]

Josh and Jaycie took on a large project of tearing down a wall and opening up their Ankeny home. They quickly realized that it created some challenges for seating arrangements. That’s when I got involved to help make it a new space they would use & LOVE!   <div   Before Photos   After finding [...]