Outside Designers / To The Trade

BY DESIGN furniture + interior design

Partner With BY DESIGN!

At BY DESIGN qualified outside designers are offered to-the-trade prices on a wide range of custom furniture. Whether you want to work with your clients in our store or simply use us as a resource, BY DESIGN can be a great partner for your business.

A few Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I bring my client to the store?
Of course you can. Please call to set up an appointment. We do ask that you assume control of your client’s experience at BY DESIGN. Though our designers will be glad to answer basic questions and offer some guidance… they won’t receive commission on your orders. It would be unfair to them to use too much of their time

Can I send my client in alone?
This isn’t in your best interests. Our designers are trained to establish close, personal relationships with our customers. Yet we have no desire to come between you and your clients. The potential for conflicts of interest is just too great.

Besides furniture, can I get better pricing on your other vendors too? For accessories, lamps, rugs, etc?

Can I ship to my own warehouse?
Yes, that is what we anticipate. Minimizing our handling of these products is what makes this program and these discounts work.

If I don’t have a warehouse, can you take care of receiving and delivery?
Absolutely – but there will be charges for those costs. We will help you figure out what that would be.

Can you ship or deliver outside of your market area?
In most cases, no. By Design’s market area is mostly central Iowa. Delivery service is available to the entire state.

For more information and to get started

Contact Bonita Clark
[email protected]

Or see this if you are interested in working at By Design
