Our Interior Designers

Why have an interior designer when you can have a design team?

Interior Design is complicated. Even for interior designers, there are a lot of moving parts to creating a beautiful room. Our job is to listen to you, to learn about you and your home. We then add our thoughts, ideas and expertise. It’s a process of co-creation.

If you work best alone – fine. Just tell us how and when we can help and we’ll follow your lead. However… we love to use multiple talents when creating your room.

Here’s how it works:

  • You: VIP & Source of Truth. Your ideas and dreams and lifestyle.
  • Your designer: Project Manager. Brings together her design skills experience with products and vendors and then applies them to your project.
  • Our other interior designers: Consultants. They add ideas, cool fabrics, another perspective. More ideas are better!
  • Bonita: Your biggest fan. Your ultimate backup, vendor intermediary and client advocate.

Meet our team of Talented Designers
Click through to learn more about our interior designers

There are many reasons to add a one of our interior design professionals to your project:

  • Your convenience. Even small projects have a lot of details to consider. Each option and selection requires thought and analysis. Let us make it easy for you.
  • Expertise. You have to choose the areas of life that you want to devote yourself to. Interior design may not be one of them.
  • To get it right. Involving a professional interior designer can minimize the chances of mistakes.
BY DESIGN interior designers
Our team can be your team – See what they’ve been working on!