Ultra Modern Interior Design Client Project

Her style is ultra modern interior design and she loves a neutral pallet.

My client Amy was looking to solve three problems…she needed 1) a new rug that would compliment her desk, not take away from it; 2) shades for privacy and to keep heat out; and finally, 3) a nice piece of art.

Her previous rug had a stripe in it, which clashed with the pattern on her desk. For her new rug, we selected the Giulia.  This rug not only has a ton of texture to it but it’s super soft and comfy to walk on, which was important to her since she has all tile flooring. The Giulia rug has nice silver accents to it as well. We went with an 8’6 square rug to ground the desk in her office.

Amy fell in love with a piece of art we had on our showroom floor. This piece came in a smaller square size that just wouldn’t do the job. So we customized it to a 75″W X 36″H to fill and balance her large wall. It is always fun to add a pop of black in any room so we added a matte black gallery float frame to finish this beautiful piece.

Throughout her Waukee home (including her office), we have done custom shades. Amy has large windows throughout her home. Because of that she wanted something that keeps the heat from pouring into her home. Plus, the coverings should also offer privacy without being a complete blackout shade. These shades we installed into her home do just that. They sit in a panel right below the trim of her window, complimenting it nicely and making it almost unnoticeable when closed!

ultra modern interior design

This is such a fresh and beautiful looking office for her to enjoy working in. (We still have lamps and accessories to work on). I always enjoy working with her and hearing about her fun, modern ideas. Everyone has a different vision they want for their home, and Amy’s is amazing. It’s so much fun to capture each client’s style and bring that to life. Amy is loving her new office and how cozy it now is!

I’d love to help you design your ultra modern interior design room – or any other style you like! We love to work to make our clients homes into the rooms of their dreams.

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Avatar About the author: Laura is a Senior Designer at by Design, having worked here since 1992. She graduated from Iowa State with a degree in Interior Design: ” I’ve always felt that your home and your room should reflect your taste and lifestyle, no matter the scale of the project we work on. If I’ve done my job well, you’ll find yourself feeling “at home” in your new surroundings… and hopefully we’ve had a lot of fun along the way.” | Laura’s Page