Texturizing Your Home

Tired of your space falling flat? Add more texture (texturizing) your home and your surroundings! You’ll be astounded at the subtle, yet real transformation.

Aim for Comfort!

People are constantly telling us.. “ I am tired of my space,” “my room is so blah,” and “it just doesn’t feel comfortable.” We have seen it time and time again. People desire comfortable spaces both physically and visually, despite their individual styles. A big solution, whether adding only a few pieces or entirely updating your home, is adding more texture! You really only need between three and five different textures to feel a major difference in your space!

How do most people want their room to feel? Cozy! So many individuals desire a comfortable room they can retreat to after a long day at the office, on their feet, or even out and about running errands. After all, if it is home to you, don’t you want to feel at home within it? It is time to make our rooms look and feel like a dream, whatever the dream may be.

Texturizing Your Home
Norwalk Inspiration Gallery – Kim Salmela Collection

Guidelines for Texturizing your Space

A go-to rule of mine is something cozy, something breathable, something smooth, and something natural. I compile a mixture of items from each of these categories in order to successfully add texture to my space. 

Think of it this way . . . put fluffy throw pillows on a leather sofa, and this will work as something both cozy and smooth. Add a linen or tweed textured chair as your “something breathable.” Throw in a couple stone end tables and a wooden coffee table to add some natural pieces. Then complete it with a rug of your choice and you have a textural space with character!

Texturizing Your Home illustrai9opn
Norwalk Color Inspiration – Silvered Blues

So many people love neutral looks, whether it be browns and creams, black and whites, or a mix of the both. It is timeless! But the biggest problem neutral lovers face is the flat feeling that comes with a lack of depth in their home. Try following my texture guidelines and you can easily achieve a feeling of comfort, specified to your own style!

Avatar About the author: BY DESIGN furniture + interior design. A store full of beautiful furniture and accents. However, a great room is far more. So… Our mission is to engage you in a design conversation. Our goal is to help you create your personal, perfect room.