Finding the Right Rug & Completing Your Aesthetic

Have you considered a rug for your space? If you haven’t already, well then, do I have something for you!

When adding a rug to your space, you gift yourself a great opportunity to customize your look! By simply placing a rug in your room, you will tie together all of your furniture pieces and really complete the look you’re wanting to achieve. There are plenty of rugs that work in warmer climates, as well as cooler climates. They even muffle sound for better noise control if you have a large room. It simply comes down to finding the right rug, with the right size and style for you!

finding the right rug - traditional

Image: The Dalia Collection – Feizy

Go big or go home!

Well… you’re already home, so just go big! When it comes time to select the right size, you want to keep in mind three things: the positioning of the rug, the empty floor space surrounding the rug, and how much of your furniture will sit on the rug.

A good rule of thumb when comparing sizes options, is to shoot for your furniture arrangement to be sitting half on the rug or more. For example, you may be saying, “I want my sofa to definitely be the focal point in this room.” That’s great! In this case, highlight the sofa by placing either two or all four legs on the rug, centering your sofa nearly halfway onto the rug or more. Another note to keep in mind is to make sure there is at least 12” to 18” of open floor space around the rug. This is key in making sure your rug properly grounds your space. If the rug is too small, your room can suddenly be uninviting and uncomfortable.

Style, style, style!

Traditional Rugs . . .
A traditional style rug is ornamented with medallions, flowers, vines and other motifs, made in an array of colors. An advantage to this style is the constant classic look it presents. It can transform any room to feel like a French cottage or even layered bohemian retreat. These really are timeless pieces!

Image: Jaipur – JL Spotted

finding the right rug - contemporary

Contemporary Rugs . . . Contemporary rugs generally have an abstract, geometric or organic design. These rugs contain more or less vibrant tones and are constantly evolving from architecture and art. They are bold, trendy, and can fulfill your space with either a sophisticated or casual look, depending on your desired look.

Image: Jaipur – 4 Ways to Elevate Interiors

finding the right rug - transitional

Transitional Rugs . . .
A transitional rug is one that can truly fit any style you desire. It appeals to most audiences for its diversity in color, pattern and style. It can set a calming scene with multiple earthtones, or catch your eye by contrasting it with all the other colors in your room! Transitional rugs are great if you want a blend of contemporary and transitional.

Image: Jaipur – The Guide: 5 Steps to Easy Rug Cleaning

Finding the right rug doesn’t need to be intimidating. Sure, there are thousands of designs, colors, sizes. But that is the good news! And we would love to make it easy for you. We love this stuff.

Avatar About the author: BY DESIGN furniture + interior design. A store full of beautiful furniture and accents. However, a great room is far more. So… Our mission is to engage you in a design conversation. Our goal is to help you create your personal, perfect room.