Eclectic Collector Interior Design Style

Green velvet, cream boucle, glass, wicker, dark paint, wall paper, plants, wood, stone . . .

These are all beautiful details that have the ability to make up the design style BY DESIGN likes to call Eclectic Collector interior design. Individually, they have appeal, but together, they create a customized look unlike any other. It is unique to each home and each person. But what is it, exactly?

Eclectic Collector Interior design style
Marley Grande Sofa

What is Eclectic Collector Style?

Eclectic Collector Design Style is simply an eclectic turn on a collected style, meaning the collection of pieces from many different sources and styles that come together to create a beautiful and harmonious scheme with balance and rhythm.

Do you enjoy mixing memories, antiques or just flat out cool pieces and have a hard time defining your look? Maybe you’ll find comfort in this design style!


Creating an Eclectic Collector Home

Designing an Eclectic Collector home is very centered on the lifestyle of the user. There are memories and stories to many collected items over the years, so finding a way to make them all work in harmony is where this style thrives.

Firstly, start designing your home with a cool antique, funky lamp shades, or any visually appealing item you adore. Next, throw together like-minded pieces with complimentary accents. If you have a bronze statue, get a bronze frame for the opposite wall and place another loved piece inside of it! Then, dress up your home with intimate paint, intriguing wallpaper, and a strong or subdued rug to tie all your pieces together. From there, cozy it up with pillows and throws. Voila, you have your own unique look!

Eclectic Collector interior design style
Image from Jaipur
Liberty Rug – Jaipur

Many people tackle this style in their own ways. Many fun ways we see this style really flourish is through collected art walls, layered rugs, pattern play, textured surfaces, and confident colors. These are staples of the design style. It lends itself to the quirky nature that is collected design.

Ornamenting your wall with artwork can be rhythmic or balanced. For most eclectic collectors, asymmetry and diversity of pieces are key. By adding hand painted pieces with silhouettes and prints. By equally changing up image size and shape, we can achieve a balanced and creative wall.

Surely, artwork is a surefire way to reflect your personality in your eclectic home!

Image from Leftbank Art

Have fun with it! Maximize your look with intensity and romance or simplify it for a breathable appearance. Furthermore, Eclectic Collector design style offers uniqueness to each individual and their home simply by showing their personality.

Do you resonate with Eclectic Collector interior design?

Avatar About the author: BY DESIGN furniture + interior design. A store full of beautiful furniture and accents. However, a great room is far more. So… Our mission is to engage you in a design conversation. Our goal is to help you create your personal, perfect room.