Furniture for Small Spaces

Furniture for small spaces can be tricky to design. There is less room for furniture that can tell your story and style. It can be easier to feel cluttered. So how can we capitalize on our small rooms without making them feel even smaller? Let’s take a look at how we can maximize style… with limited square footage.

furniture for small spaces
Daphne Slipcover Bed

Many people have an apartment, condo, townhome, or simply a compact space that they want to design but don’t know where to start. Three key concepts are important in creating a whole new look from a small floor plan. These are 1) room purpose, 2) dual purpose furniture, and 3) visual balance.

What is Your Room’s Purpose?

If a room has a given purpose, it will function better and be easier to design and decorate. Some popular room functions might be a reading nook, office, music lounge, banquet area, hobby/craft room, or a TV room. Strive for every room in your home to have its own purpose! Perhaps you might think of a main and secondary purpose. This makes it much easier to utilize and strategize small areas. And depending on the size, it can still act as a backdrop for any loved pieces!

small space furniture
Rudin Side Chairs

Dual Purpose Furniture For Small Spaces

When picking furniture for a small space, if there are any pieces that can serve multiple functions, you can save floor space and resources. For example, castered chairs can act as lounge furniture, but also as desk and dining chairs. Many tables can act the same way! Coffee tables and end tables that lift up can act as a desk or impromptu dining table. Surely, smaller scale pieces are crucial in small spaces, but it doesn’t have to be definitive with multi-use furniture. Using these tips can save precious floor space and still show off your style!

multi function furniture for small spaces
Reveal Lift Top Coffee Table
mulit-function furniture for small spaces
Reveal Lift Top Coffee Table – Diagram

Visual Balance

When you begin designing your room, it is important to balance the furniture and accents in the room. And balance is crucial in furniture for small spaces. For example, if all of your furniture is low, it might benefit to have wall art or a tall case piece to naturally carry your eye throughout the room. This can also be done by using floor lamps opposed to table lamps. Play around with it and figure out which feels more natural by taking a step back and looking at the room as a whole.

When referring to visual balance, this is your time to shine by adding elements in your individual style. You can balance these pieces asymmetrically or symmetrically. It is generally easier to place your furniture, then style with accessories and furnishings, because larger pieces are easier to balance out first. Wall art and wallcoverings are a great way to jazz up a small space with using little to no square footage. Sometimes it can all come down to playing with placement!

Elbert Coffee Table

Furniture for small spaces challenge? Remember, purpose, multi-function, and balance are key to helping small spaces thrive! Maximizing a limited floor plan can be much easier by following these tips and tricks. In small spaces, less is more. However, more is powerful. It is all up to your individual style. What room will you design today?

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