7 Ways to Incorporate Nature-Inspired Interior Design into your Home

nature-inspired interior design

Do you ever feel like you want to bring the refreshing essence of the outdoors into your home? Many of us do! But have you ever wondered why we are naturally drawn to incorporating nature-inspired interior design into our home? And more importantly, how can we achieve it?

Depending on where you live, the changing of seasons might limit your ability to fully enjoy the outdoors. With that, it’s important to bring the feeling of nature inside to help you avoid seasonal depression while simultaneously enhancing your health, productivity, and more.

So, how can we achieve this nature-inspired home design? There are several ways to bring the outdoors in. One approach is to use earth tones in our interior décor. Colors found in nature, such as shades of green, brown, and beige, can create a calming and soothing atmosphere. By adding a neutral base, we allow ourselves the flexibility to incorporate diverse color pops, creating a vibrant and natural aesthetic.

1. Incorporate natural earth tones

Colors found in nature, such as shades of green, brown, and beige, can create a calming and soothing atmosphere. By adding a neutral base, we allow ourselves the flexibility to incorporate diverse color pops, creating a vibrant and natural aesthetic.

Bexley Chaise & Schwell End Table

2. Mix in natural interior design materials

Natural materials are a great way to connect your interior space with its exterior! Wood, stone, bamboo, cork, and rattan are all examples of materials that can connect our interior space with the exterior. We don’t need to have all of these materials present in our home, but using one or more of them can create a cohesive and nature-inspired look.

PRO TIP: Try mixing wood and stone occasional tables throughout your home. It is a great place to start and super functional!

4. Integrate textures and patterns

Choosing the right textiles and surfaces in your home can definitely contribute to your desired look. In this case, choose textures and patterns that are organic and sporadic. Heavily-texture pieces are great when mixed with flat weaves and solid surfaces. Nature has a wide variety of textures, so our home should mimic that!

nature-inspired interior design
Nature Inspired Mood Board with Color Variety

3. Add nature-inspired interior design with plants

Plants play a wonderful role in bringing the outdoors inside. They not only freshen up a room but also help to improve air quality and reduce stress. Whether you choose real plants or artificial ones, they bring vitality and liveliness to our living spaces, adding a natural pop of color to your home

Brandy Dining Table & Kena Dining Chairs

PRO TIP: Find a tall house plant to provide a sense of movement, life, and depth to your space.

5. Embrace natural daylight

Natural daylight in our homes is proven to make us happier, healthier, improve our sleep patterns, and so much more. This is a consistent outdoor element that we can easily integrate in our homes to benefit our everyday lives. Yet, if privacy is your go-to, then sheers may be a great solution to having both!

Windows and skylights are fantastic ways of increasing daylight in a nature-inspired interior design. Pair this with ambiance lighting through floor and table lamps for a comfortably lit home!

Foyer Chair & Seashell Dining Table

6. Create a visual connection

Creating a visual connection between our home and the outdoors is crucial in blending nature and home design. This can be achieved through the use of windows that provide views of the exterior, skylights that bring in natural light, or even nature-inspired artwork. By showcasing our intention of bringing the outdoors in, we create a cohesive and harmonious space.

7. Focus on nature (literally)

Finally, a nature focal point can take the visual connection to the next level. By orienting furniture to face outdoor views, highlighting wilderness-related art, or creating a collection of plants, we can create a captivating focal point that brings nature to the forefront of our home design. This not only enhances the visual connection but also transforms our home into a nature retreat.

Anderson Chaise & Rome Spot Table

Incorporating nature-inspired interior design into our home has numerous benefits for our well-being and overall quality of life. By using earth tones, natural materials, plants, textures, maximizing natural daylight, creating a visual connection, and focusing on a nature focal point, we can create a harmonious and nature-inspired living space.

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Bonita Clark About the author: I graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Elementary Education. I taught for four years (and loved it!) before entering our business, WoodStock Ltd. Unfinished Furniture, full time. Since then we have created several new furniture stores. I love working with our customers and our designers. We’ve had the opportunity to meet so many great people in business! To me, both business and life are all about relationships.