How To Choose The Right Size Rug For Your Living Room

Get your rug right to get your room right.

Choosing the wrong size rug for your room is the wrong way to begin. Follow these simple rules and get your interior design project off to a good start.

1. Measure first.

Obvious, but it needs to be said. Measure the space, then be sure to consider door openings, traffic flow and possible room re-arrangements.

2. The 18″ rule.

It’s a tried and true rule of thumb in the interior design community. Leaving an 18″ gap of bare floor around the rug tends to nicely “frame” your space. The results feel comfortable and proportional.

3. When in doubt, go bigger.

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Rugs perform a powerful uniting function for the elements of your room. Occasionally a smaller rug is the perfect focus, but more often it pays to include everything in the room grouping with the rug.

 4. Furniture along a wall?

Cover the rug halfway with your furniture – front legs on, back legs off. See the 18″ rule above.


5. Smaller room?

Consider centering your rug just under your coffee table to define the area (and add the pop) while giving space to your room.



These five simple steps can help you begin the interior design for your room the right way. If you lay the foundation – you’re off to a great start on creating your perfect room. But, how about an area rug for your dining room or your bedroom? Again there are some simple guidelines. I’ll detail them in another post.


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Bonita Clark About the author: I graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Elementary Education. I taught for four years (and loved it!) before entering our business, WoodStock Ltd. Unfinished Furniture, full time. Since then we have created several new furniture stores. I love working with our customers and our designers. We’ve had the opportunity to meet so many great people in business! To me, both business and life are all about relationships.