Sometimes all you need are Accessories

Accessories add personality to a great home.

Brigid came into by Design one afternoon with her fabric samples in her hand and an unsure look on her face. She knew she was in need of some accessories for her Urbandale house but wasn’t sure what exactly she needed. After walking through our showroom Brigid found many things she liked but still wasn’t sure what would look best where.

Brigid was unaware of the service we offer at by Design where we bring out accessories to the home and help place them where they look best. Because she had a hard time visualizing what her home would look like with the pieces she liked I offered to bring out things I thought would compliment her room nicely. She was all for this idea and couldn’t wait to see what I would bring.

I was just as excited as Brigid was to get started on this project. We set up a time for me to go out to her house before I brought things out so I could get a feel for the space and an idea of not only what she wanted but also what she needed. When I left Brigid’s house I had a pretty good idea of what she needed.

Here is a before gallery – click on any image to enlarge, then page through: [nggallery id=160]

The next time I went out I had loaded the van with accessories to try out in her house. When I got there we played around with what looked best. This helped Brigid see the whole picture and made her more comfortable purchasing the items since she knew it looked good in her home. [nggallery id=161]

Brigid isn’t alone when it comes to having a hard time visualizing what a room will look like. A lot of people have a hard time committing to purchasing things in a store in fear of making a mistake. This is why our accessory service is so great! All you have to do is give us a budget and a general idea of what you want for the space and we will do all the work for you.

As a designer, I’m here to make this experience enjoyable for you and not stressful. Don’t miss out on this awesome service! Come on into our store or email me if you would like help accessorizing your home.

Andrea Piper