Make an Impact – Add An Area Rug

Would you like to make a big change in your room with a small investment?

Here’s how: ADD A RUG!

Dollar-for-dollar, there is probably no higher impact way to enhance or complement the interior design goals that you’re trying to achieve.

With that said, it’s the size of the rug – not only it’s appearance – that can change the dynamic of a room.  My customer, Margie Hawks, needed a rug to complete her room.  We had put two of the Savino sofas from American Leather in the room.  The Savino is a wonderful, tailored contemporary design.  It’s brushed steel legs extend up into the arms for added visual

Originally the room had a 5′ x 7′ rug, but the scale of this room – and the Savino grouping – cried out for a larger rug.  So we chose this texture-striped 8’x10′.  I love what the addition of the rug did for this room.  Thank you, Margi, for the fun (and for letting me help you).

by Sherri Bruckshaw