Building a Relationship — the rest comes easy.

Empathy – the most under-rated (but most important) aspect of interior design.

We had just met.  And, my soon-to-be customer and friend Ginny’s first words were: “I’m just looking and I take a long time to decide.”  Fine with me!  So we sat down and I listened.  I tried to understand what she was really looking for.  The rest was easy… and we had so much fun putting her room together.  And these photos prove it!  How beautiful. penelope-chair-penelope-ottoman

We chose two Penelope chairs from Norwalk Furniture.  Then we added the Penelope ottoman for a cozy seating vignette.  The chairs bow-shaped front rail and the four-sided concave design of the ottoman make them perfect dance partners.

The Nicholas sofa from Vanguard Furniture, created with simple lines and hand-crafted detailing is a beautiful and comfortable addition to the room.  We finished off the room with a beautiful 8 x 10 rug.  The rug visually pulls the space together and adds comfy softness. lepley room

Ginny — thank you so much for the opportunity.  It was great to get to work with you, but more importantly to get to know you and to be able to help you with your beautiful home in Clive.

by Sherri Bruckshaw

