Custom Furniture is All About What YOU Want

My Personal Design Style

Sometimes customers will ask me, “What’s your design style” or “What’s your favorite design style?” Here is a peek at the answers to those questions!

“Ever since I started working at by Design, the Metro sofa style has been my favorite”

Recently I ordered a Norwalk Sofa for ME! It was very exciting and it really opened my eyes to what our clients think about when picking out their custom furniture.

Ever since I started working at by Design, the Metro sofa style has been my favorite, so it was a no-brainer when it was time to pick out my sofa. I loved the track arm, the size of the arm, the loose seat and back cushions, and the overall size of the sofa. The only thing was… I wanted the sofa to be two cushions instead of three like the one we have on the floor. The good news is since we are a custom furniture store, this is possible! There are many custom options with the majority of furniture lines that we carry. This makes it easier to get exactly what you want in your furniture, just like I did.


“There are many custom options with the majority of furniture lines that we carry. This makes it easier to get exactly what you want in your furniture”

I pretty much knew what fabric I wanted on my sofa but I had a hard time deciding what fabric I wanted for the pillows, since it comes with two. I narrowed it down to three different fabrics that I really liked, thought about it for a few days, and then just decided to order three sets of pillows! This seems like a lot but I’m not planning on having all three sets on the sofa all the time. I bought them with the thought of switching them out occasionally for three different looks! This is an inexpensive way to switch up the look of your space without spending too much money.


To answer the question “What is your design style?” I would say this sofa explains it pretty well. As for the other question “What’s your favorite design style?” I really like and appreciate many different styles and that’s what makes my job so fun. I get to work with different people and different styles which makes things exciting all of the time! Embrace your unique and custom style!
