I. Love. Beautiful. Homes.

Have you ever seen a movie where you just love the beautiful homes you see?  Several movies have inspired me to make a decision about my home.  I will never forget sitting in a hotel with our kids (when they were little) and seeing Home Alone.  We laughed so hard at different times that my kids were laughing at me.  Do you remember that beautiful house with its black door?  I needed to think of a color for my door of the house we were building at the time and guess what?  It became black!!

Home Alone house

Another movie that I love and adore the house and design is “Something’s Gotta Give”  with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton.  I love the colors, I love the floor plan, I love the kitchen, I love the house.  And I’m not the only one!  I found 20,700 hits on Google!  Here’s a link to one of the fun articles by another fan of the house.

My hope is that you will come into our furniture store and have a ball!  That you will love what we design for you.  If you don’t, we have not done a good job of listening to you.  It is important to us that you give us as much information as you can.  We love to sketch with you and find out about your room.  We want to know who uses it.  If you have an budget range – please share it! What are your favorite colors?  We can give you a beautiful room or a beautiful house—but you have to give us lots of information!!

Let us help you with a beautiful room!!!!

— Bonita

I love beautiful homes
Something’s Gotta Give beach house

Bonita Clark About the author: I graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Elementary Education. I taught for four years (and loved it!) before entering our business, WoodStock Ltd. Unfinished Furniture, full time. Since then we have created several new furniture stores. I love working with our customers and our designers. We’ve had the opportunity to meet so many great people in business! To me, both business and life are all about relationships.