Taking Interior Design Outside


Outdoor furniture is looking less and less like… “outdoor”. The reason is simple. Our outdoor spaces are becoming more important to us. And we want the same level of sophistication there as inside the house.

Of course there are implications. How about Iowa weather, sun fade, dirt, cleaning codes and all of the other things we might take for granted indoors? The only answer at this point is to ask a lot of questions and make informed decisions when you select your products.

All of the items pictured here are intended for outdoor use and are definitely available from BY DESIGN. Intrigued? Please contact one of our incredible designers!

Meet the BY DESIGN team here

Bonita Clark About the author: I graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Elementary Education. I taught for four years (and loved it!) before entering our business, WoodStock Ltd. Unfinished Furniture, full time. Since then we have created several new furniture stores. I love working with our customers and our designers. We’ve had the opportunity to meet so many great people in business! To me, both business and life are all about relationships.