Bookshelves & Room Dividers

Consider one for your home?

We’ve noticed a real uptick of interest in bookshelves and room dividers. Many of our recent projects have had a dual focus of making the home more beautiful while adding functionality. Bookshelves and room dividers are perfect tools for both of these goals.

Some clients are adding something of a home library. Others are working on their home office areas. A third motivation might be to add just a bit of screening and privacy to an open floor plan.

With that in mind, we thought you’d enjoy a gallery of a few of the open shelving products and the rooms they make more beautiful.

Often we’re using these room dividers and shelving pieces to bridge between the living and working parts of your home. They help us bring your home office into the lifestyle you want from the rest of your home.

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A Pinterest Search on Room Dividers and Bookshelves (Lots of inspiration here)

BY DESIGN’S Home and Work Gallery (You’re interested in function, right?)

BY DESIGN’S Interior Design Trend Posts (Other ideas and posts)