2021 TANNERY Color Trend

Here is a powerful 2021 interior design color trend we know you’ll be seeing a lot of: Tannery. Warm, spicy highlights combine with comfortable neutrals. Exciting patterns and figures add fun and spice to your room. This is such an appealing color pallet that any room done with these fabrics will have appeal for seasons to come.

As spice tones continue to dominate, they will see a refreshing twist this spring. Tannery, presents cinnamon, nutmeg and turmeric hues anchored with brown undertones that take this theme to an earthier palette.

Norwalk Furniture

Would you like to see a quick video that Norwalk prepared for their designers? At the big High Point furniture market, Norwalk presented their predictions for 2021 interior design color trends. And, more importantly, they showed the fabrics and leathers they had selected in response. In their own words, the trend experts explain the inspiration and process that led to the creation of this great fabric collection. Here you go:

Tannery seems likely to be one of the most popular of the interior design color trends that we’ll see this year. This is because the accent colors and fabrics are natural and appealing. Plus, the base colors and neutrals work so well with so many design choices. These powerful factors make Tannery a great place to begin when you walk up to BY DESIGN’S huge fabric and leather wall.